Old Java2D had to do a lot of rendering in software. This was fixed, but with OpenGL and poor Linux drivers, it can still be a problem. Thus, an X11 renderer should be created. Java2D is used by Cairo, GTK+, QT4 and KDE4.
Deployment features
Enable better access to installed JREs for applets, webstart and javafx applications. Also seamless JRE installation, and single line javascript deployment.
Swing updates
Translucent and shaped windows, heavyweight/lightweight mixing, and the improved AWT security warning.
JXLayer (glass pane overlay, control everything) component decorator, JXDatePicker, and possibly CSS-based styling.
DROPPED: Swing Application Framework to make it easier to write applications. May provide co-existence with JavaFX.
Nimbus look and feel. JGI.
Web changes
Upgrade the JAXP, JAXB, and JAX-WS APIs to the most recent stable versions.
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