torsdag 23. september 2010

JavaOne 2010 tag cloud

I'm trying to grasp the trends of JavaOne 2010, and I figured it would be a cool approach to create a tag cloud. So - here it is: Tag cloud composed of the titles of all JavaOne 2010 sessions.

created at

onsdag 22. september 2010

JavaOne 2010 day 2

Attended a great session on ESB best practices by Earl Nolan and Monal Daxini. Then some REST stuff of various quality. The big thing of the day was the general technical session with Mark Reinhold.

Most of the presented material were old news: Java SE 7 and EE 6. I guess the value of it is to say it's still in the pipeline. SE7 is now planned released in 2011 and SE8 in 2012. I.e. lambda expressions has been postponed till the 2012-release.

The session also had a nice and rather technical twitter client demo which can be found at

tirsdag 21. september 2010

JavaOne day 1

What's better than a day full of Java? Such a day, and an BOF evening cruise on the bay :)

Contemplating on how many participants there are on these conferences, we figured about 60 000. That's a lot of hotel rooms being occupied, dinner services etc. But then there's not a room available anywhere in the city. Wonder what happens when everyone goes home on Friday ..

mandag 20. september 2010

JavaOne 2010 !

Yess! I'm here at Hilton Hotel, San Francisco, ready for 5 days of concentrated Java juice! Tonight at 0530 pm Larry will kick off the show, and we'll be ramlin' down a path of tech discussions over an Anchor Steam pint. This will definitely be awesome!

torsdag 9. september 2010

JavaZone 2010

Yay, JavaZone 2010 has come to a conclusion. 2 full days of dev and tech. Great fun! Thanks a lot to javaBin for a great event!

The slides for my lightning speech: "Enhance your Maven plugins with Groovy" is available on slideshare: